Friday 15 July 2016

Astrophotographer Proposes with a 360-Degree Photo


When astrophotography enthusiast Stephen King of Yakima, Washington, asked his then-girlfriend Andrea to marry him recently, he did so in a creative and unusual way: with a 360-degree night sky photo inside a Google Cardboard VR viewer.

During a camping trip to Lost Lake recently, King spent a good portion of the 2 days shooting and editing the special photo.

“I could tell this amount of time irritated her a bit, but she was wonderful and didn’t say anything,” King tells PetaPixel.

On Andrea’s birthday on July 1st, King loaded up his special photo (hosted with an audio background track on Spinattic), placed his phone inside a Google Cardboard View-Master, and handed the viewer to Andrea.

“When she looked in the device, she saw the question written in the stars and when she turned around she saw me in the picture,” King says. “She started crying and when she looked away from the device, she found me on my knee with the ring!”

Here’s the 360-degree image King made inside the Spinattic viewer (apologies for the auto-playing audio):

After saying “yes,” Andrea also agreed to pose for a “She Said Yes” 360 photo with King (it’s the second image in the embed above).

from PetaPixel

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