Monday 25 July 2016

Quick Tip: Crop Your Photos in ‘Lights Out’ View for the Best Results

Cropping a photo just right can be challenging, especially if you’re working on a smaller laptop screen. Use this quick Lightroom tip from the folks at Adobe to help you get more precise results every time.

The tip is super simple, just do two things when you’re ready to crop your image. (1) Press Shift + Tab to hide all of Lightroom’s panels and make your image as large as possible on the screen. Then, (2) press “L” twice to enter “lights out” view.

Now, when you rotate and otherwise crop your image, any bits of the image outside the cropped frame disappear—no more distractions.


Do you have your own simple Lightroom or Photoshop tip that is surprisingly useful? Let us know in the comments or drop us an email!

from PetaPixel

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