Monday 25 July 2016

How I Shot Throne Portraits of Flo for Progressive Insurance


My name is Dana Neibert, and I’m an advertising photographer based in Coronado, California. I recently shot a series of portraits of Flo from Progressive Insurance. Here’s a look at the project.

Progressive’s ad agency, Arnold Worldwide, came to us in March asking us to look at creating this campaign showcasing Flo as the queen of motorcycle insurance with thrones made from motorcycle parts. Each throne represents three of their major motorcycle types of insurance: cruiser, touring and sport.

We had our art department prop stylist, Anthony Altomare of Buffalo Art, work with Cycle Zombies in Los Angeles to create these amazing thrones.

As with all commercial jobs, we are responsible for every aspect of the production. Heading up the production was my producer Paige Dorian of Paige Dorian Productions. Paige spent nearly a month overseeing the throne production, securing locations, permitting, arranging traffic control, coordinating crew, etc.

The initial post production look and feel was created by myself and then final retouching was handled by Sugar Digital in San Francisco.

Here are the resulting portraits and time lapses of the shoots that condense 6 to 10 hours down to 1 minute or less:




About the author: Dana Neibert is a commercial and advertising photographer based in Coronado, California. You can find more of his work on his website, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

from PetaPixel

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