Tuesday 26 July 2016

$1 Million Will Snag You this Massive Cinema Lens Collection on eBay


Got a hankering for “thousands” of working, well-maintained cinema lenses? Have $1,000,000 to spare? If you answered yes to both questions, you’re in luck. There’s an eBay listing with your name written all over it.

The listing was created by the reputable Calkovsky Cinema Worldwide, and it includes thousands of lenses, hundreds of adapters, and even some interesting accessories (dozen’s of “antique wooden tripods”). It reads a bit like an infomercial, but seems 100% legitimate all the same. The only catch is the steep “Buy It Now” prices of $1M.

Well… that and the sub-par pictures of the merchandise. The auction does say there are “too many [lenses] to picture” but the pictures they did get make this seem more like a basement collection than an impressive lens inventory from a reputable seller.





If you’re curious (or loaded), you can check out the auction for yourself by clicking here.

(via PopPhoto)

from PetaPixel http://petapixel.com/2016/07/26/1-million-will-snag-massive-cinema-lens-collection-ebay/

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