Tuesday 21 March 2017

You Can Browse 437 Complete Issues of ‘Soviet Photo’ Magazine Online

This is really cool. It turns out you can browse through full issues of the old Soviet Photo (AKA “Советское фото”) magazine online at Archive.org. Fans of photography history will love this treasure trove, which contains 437 digitized issues originally published between 1926 and 1991.

Kudos to Redditor geniice, who discovered and shared this cool resource that people really seem to be enjoying. With the exception of some gaps between 1934 and 1957—there’s only one issue, published in 1937, on the archive from between those dates—it looks like almost every month of every year is accounted for.

Dig deep enough, and you’ll find some really interesting (and surprisingly familiar) things in there. From standard street photography:

To architecture, rooftopping, and (unfortunately) train track portraits:

To conflict photography:

Even some pretty amazing photojournalism:

And gear/equipment ads:

There is so much more where the samples above came from. To see it all, head over to Archive.org and browse all 437 issues by clicking here. Whether or not you can read Russian, you’re in for a real treat.

from PetaPixel https://petapixel.com/2017/03/21/can-browse-437-complete-issues-soviet-photo-magazine-online/

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