Wednesday 29 March 2017

Mind-Bending Music Video Made with Paper Cutouts and Stop Motion

For their latest music video, the band Explosions in the Sky enlisted the help of filmmaker Hayley Morris to do something special. The resulting video is 3 minutes of psychedelic stop motion photography that is truly impressive.

Morris runs the animation studio Shape & Shadow, and she’s got quite a client list to her name. From commercials for McDonalds and Toyota, to the Christmas Windows at the Macy’s in NYC, she’s one of the best traditional animators out there, relying on hand-drawn animation, stop-motion, and other classic storytelling effects.

And she seems to have pulled out all the stops for Explosions in the Sky’s song “The Ecstatics,” creating a roiling journey through nature, the human body, and beyond. Check out the full music video up top for some Grade A stop motion work… and one heck of a drug-free acid trip.

(via VICE Creators)

from PetaPixel

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