Wednesday 22 March 2017

Instagram Will Soon Let Clients Book You Right Inside the App

Instagram may soon become a solid revenue stream for talented photographers. The app’s head of business, James Quarles, has confirmed that Instagram will soon add the option to “book” a business right from inside the app.

The news broke early this morning on Bloomberg, who spoke to Quarels about the new feature, set to launch “in the next couple months.”

According to that report, the feature would allow business accounts to add a booking options, so potential clients could schedule appointments from inside the app without having to reach out directly. The example Bloomberg gives is booking a haircut by going to a salon’s Instagram page, but we’re much more interested in the potential for commercial and wedding photographers, for example, who could now book consultations and new clients through the app.

Instagram’s power as a marketing tool is undisputed—the app gives photographers access to a massive community of fans and, potentially, clients. This tool will help you distinguish between the two. Fans like your photo… clients will book an appointment.

The appointments feature will launch sometime in the next couple of months, with more business tools (such as reviews) already under consideration.

(via Engadget)

from PetaPixel

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