Tuesday 24 May 2016

What if Camera Companies Swapped Brand Colors?


Color is one of the fundamental aspects of branding, and most major companies in the world of photography are known for using key colors in their branding.

Canon has its distinctive red, an extremely color that’s shared by plenty of other companies as well — Leica, Sigma, Kodak, and Pentax, just to name a few. Nikon is known for yellow, Fujifilm has its green, and Olympus has its blue.

But what if the major camera companies decided to exchange the colors in their logos? Would they still be easily recognizable, or would they just look… off? We did a little experiment and swapped the colors of well known photography brands. Take a look:

Canon in Nikon Colors


Nikon in Canon Colors


Kodak in Fujifilm Colors


Leica in Kodak Colors


Fujifilm in Olympus Colors


Olympus in Fujifilm Colors


Samsung in Leica Colors


Adobe in Samsung Colors


Feel free to create your own and share them with us in the comments below.

from PetaPixel http://petapixel.com/2016/05/24/camera-companies-swapped-brand-colors/

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