Thursday 26 May 2016

This Tiny UV Camera Shows You if You’ve Put On Enough Sunscreen


In 2014, filmmaker Tom Leveritt used an ultraviolet camera to show people their skin like they’d never seen it before. Now, you can do the same thing with the Sunscreenr: a tiny, waterproof UV camera that is meant to keep you slathering on sunscreen by showing you when you’ve used enough and where it’s worn off.

The Sunscreener, currently on Kickstarter and already fully funded, was developed by two founders, both of whom have experience with skin cancer in their families. In an attempt to better protect people from the dangers of UV rays, they turned to camera technology. Thus was born the patent-pending Sunscreenr camera:


“With Sunscreenr, we’ve taken powerful imaging technology used by scientists and re-imagined it in a simple device that makes it easy to see if your skin is protected,” explains co-founder Dave Cohen.

Like in the viral video we mentioned at the top, areas protected by sunscreen appear black when viewed through the Sunscreenr. And if you need to check your own skin, the colorful camera even comes with a tripod/selfie stick mount.

May is actually National Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention Month, so they couldn’t have picked a better month to release a tiny, sunscreen spotting UV camera.

The Sunscreenr will cost $109 when it makes it onto retail shelves, but if you support the campaign on Kickstarter you can get one for as little as $74. To learn more or put down your own pledge, head over to the campaign page by clicking here.

from PetaPixel

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