Tuesday 19 April 2016

Leica-Branded Dual-Cam in Huaweis P9 Made by a Chinese Company


The cat is out of the bag… well, maybe not entirely, but it’s definitely peeking its head out. When Huawei announced the P9 smartphone and its Leica-branded dual-cam, neither company was being very straightforward about what Leica’s role actually was in designing the optics. Now we have some answers.

The “Leica-certified” dual camera module was not built by or designed by Leica. Instead, recent reports reveal that a Chinese company called Sunny Optical Technology of China was “authorized by Leica” to take the reigns and build the system.

What does this mean for Leica? As we mentioned in the P9 announcement, both Leica and Huawei have said this is just the beginning of a bigger collaboration. Authorizing a Chinese OEM to create these systems lends further credence to the idea that “Leica-certified” cameras are going to play a major role in Huawei’s future phones.

(via DPReview)

from PetaPixel http://petapixel.com/2016/04/19/leica-branded-dual-cam-huaweis-p9-made-chinese-company/

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