Tuesday 19 April 2016

The Power of Photographs: Revisiting the Most Iconic Images in History

Loss and desperation, love and respect, bravery and triumph, these are the themes that COOPH is exploring in their newest video, and they’re doing it by reviewing some of the most powerful photographs ever captured.

The video is called The Power of Photographs, and what better way to remind us of the power the still image holds than by showcasing some of the most moving and meaningful photos captured throughout history?

Tank Man, The Migrant Mother, a dog refusing to leave its owner’s grave, and many many more make an appearance in a video that hopes to remind you of the impact a photo can have… and just maybe inspire you to go out and capture your own iconic image.

from PetaPixel http://petapixel.com/2016/04/19/iconic-images-stories-remind-us-power-photograph/

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