Friday 22 April 2016

Scandy Can 3D-Print Your 360 Photos Into Spheres


This is pretty cool. 360° video and photography is all the rage, but while Virtual Reality might be the main way you can experience these photos, a company called Scandy lets you hold them in your hand through the magic of 3D printing.

Anybody who has ever had their photos printed knows the joys of holding a physical print of your image in your hands, and Scandy just raised $1M in seed funding to bring that joy to the world of 3D photography.

Using 3D printing technology, Scandy can take your 360° photos and turn them into spheres like this one:

At its core, Scandy is a 3D printing company—which, by the way, can do a lot more than just spheres—but printing 360° images is what they’re best known for. And you don’t have to own a fancy 360° rig to shoot Scandy-printable photos.

There’s an app for that…

Scandy’s iOS app (Android coming later this month) will let you take 360° photos and order Scandy spheres straight from your iPhone.

To learn more about Scandy, download the app, or set up an account for yourself, head over to the Scandy website here.

(via Mental Floss)

from PetaPixel

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