Friday 29 April 2016

Quick Tip: How to Turn a Dreary Grey Sky Blue On-Location


The weather doesn’t always cooperate when you’re shooting on-location. So what do you if you’re faced with a dreary grey sky and waiting for clearer weather isn’t an option? This quick tip by photographer David Bergman might help.

David shared the tip on Adorama TV‘s “Two Minute Tips” series, and it’s a simple way to turn a dreary background blue. All you need is an understanding of white balance and some warm gels.

See how Bergman does it in the video below:

Obviously this is a band-aid fix, but even if it’s not ideal, it’s still a neat little trick to keep up your sleeve for the next time the weather decides to be a party pooper.

(via DIYP)

from PetaPixel

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