Saturday 4 February 2017

An Itemized Invoice for Clients Who Balk At Your Photography Prices

Photographer and photo educator Don Giannatti put together this simple (tongue-in-cheek) itemized invoice to show photography clients why photographers charge what they do for “taking a picture.”

“Every once in a while we get a client who challenges us with that tired old ‘That’s a lot of money for just taking a photo…’,” Giannatti says. “And yes, yes it is. I totally get it.”

“But you know, if the image doesn’t matter to them, my 8 month old granddaughter can borrow my iPhone and shoot for some pudding,” he continues. “If the images do matter to them, then they have to prioritize the costs so they know what they are getting.”

“Contrary to popular culture beliefs, there are indeed a lot of components to a professional shoot. Dance music and hot models are just the on the surface.”

(via Donald Giannatti via DIYP)

Image credits: Image by Don Giannatti and used with permission

from PetaPixel

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