Thursday 2 June 2016

This Stop Motion Animation Was Shot in the Dark with the Nikon D810

Nikon recently gave filmmakers Wriggles & Robins the new Nikon D810 and asked the duo to showcase the low-light capabilities of the DSLR. They decided to shoot a stop motion animation in the dark outdoors.

After creating 84 different foam board animal frames, the duo set up a 20 meter track in various locations and shot frames of the animation with different combinations of flashes and exposures. There were 4 Nikon flash units involved.

The unedited photographers were then looped together into a sequence that shows silhouettes of various animals traveling through the night. In the bottom right hand corner of the frame is EXIF data that shows the settings used for each shot.

Here’s a behind-the-scenes video showing how the project was done:

The resulting video, titled “Nightlife,” was selected as a Vimeo Staff Pick.

(via Wriggles & Robins via Laughing Squid)

from PetaPixel

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