Thursday, 12 April 2018

10 Hidden Lightroom Features That Can Change Your Editing Life

Sometimes we can use software for years without taking the time to dive deeper and unlock its full potential. Here’s a great 12-minute tutorial by photographer Jamie Windsor with 10 hidden Lightroom features that can help your editing and speed up your workflow.

Even if you feel like a seasoned Lightroom user, there may be some tips and tricks among these 10 that can help improve your photo editing life.

Here’s a quick rundown of the 10 things covered by Windsor:

1. Send clients an online preview (00:11)
2. Better tones with camera calibration (02:23)
3. Change preset strength/opacity (03:17)
4. Targeted adjustment tool (05:18)
5. Automatically match exposures with different settings (06:25)
6. Faster image rating and selection (07:29)
7. Individual slider automation (08:13)
8. Edit local adjustment tools (08:29)
9. Bigger sliders (09:24)
10. Precision editing view (09:50)

You can find more of Windsor’s videos by subscribing to his YouTube channel.

from PetaPixel

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