Thursday 21 December 2017

5 Street Photos to Look Out For While Commuting to Work

If your job is keeping you busy and away from dedicated street photography, you may still be able to exercise your creative muscles during your trip to and from the office. Here’s a 2-minute video by photographer Alan Ruic with a handful of street photos you can take while commuting to work.

Your journey to work is probably not the most inspiring part of your week, but if you’d much rather be out and about with your camera, then this could just be the bit of inspiration you need.

See if these photo ideas inject a little bit of creativity into your working week.

#1 Person in Front of a Bare Wall

#2 Motionless Person with Moving Train

#3 People Walking Down Stairs

#4 People Behind Bus Windows

#5 Pedestrians Silhouetted by the Morning Sun

Watch the full video above for tips on how to make the most of each of these situations.

from PetaPixel

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