Monday 27 November 2017

Magnets and Iron Powder Were Used to Make this Mesmerizing Short Film

Photographer and filmmaker Roman De Giuli has created a new short film titled Matereality. The visual effects in the 3.5-minute video were created using iron powder, highly reflective pigments, and magnets.

Inspired by countless videos of “DIY slime” on YouTube, De Giuli spent many hours trying to create the perfect magnetic substance for his videos.

“At the beginning it was tough and I wasted a lot of ingredients until I got a substance which really was worth to make an attempt [filming with],” writes De Giuli. “But since then there was no looking back. I ended up with 16 shooting sessions of 3 to 4 hours each which finally gave around 20 hours of footage. Plenty of great shots!”

The magnets cause the powder to create captivating shapes, patterns, and textures that may look more like 3D renders generated by a computer, but all of the shots you see here were shot in-camera.

(via Roman De Giuli via Colossal)

from PetaPixel

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