Thursday 26 October 2017

2 Photographers Shoot 1 Model in Ugly Locations

Photographer Jessica Kobeissi is back with another shootout challenge, this time putting herself and photographer Rachel Gulotta to the test by shooting in ugly locations in Stockholm, Sweden.

Both Kobeissi and Gulotta got to choose an ugly location, and both tried their hand at shooting great pictures of the same model in that place.

“The challenge is really going to be taking something that’s not conventionally pretty and make it look good in pictures,” Kobeissi says. “It’s not always about the location — it’s how you work with it.”

Check out the full challenge in the 10-minute video above, and see what you think of the results below:

Jessica’s Location:

Jessica’s photos:

Rachel’s photos:

Rachel’s Location:

Jessica’s photos:

Rachel’s photos:

Who do you think made the best overall photos in the ugly locations?

And in case you’re interested, here’s the thrift store challenge mentioned in the video that shows how the photographers purchased the wardrobes on a budget.

from PetaPixel

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