Tuesday 29 August 2017

Here Are the First Nikon D850 Sample Photos Shot at ISO 25600

Nikon has been promising huge things for shooting the new D850 at high ISOs. If you’d like to see how the camera performs at the limit of its native range (ISO 25600), we’ve got our hands on some first real-world sample photos.

Dutch photographer Niels de Vries attended a Nikon event in Holland, where he was able to shoot test shots with the D850 of attendees and a musician in a dimly lit environment.

Here are the sample JPEG photos he captured at different ISO values (you can click each photo to view them in the original resolution):

ISO 1250

ISO 3200

ISO 6400

ISO 8000

ISO 12800

ISO 16000

ISO 25600

100% Crops at ISO 25600

Finally, here are a few 100% crops of a few of the ISO 25600 photos above.

As we reported yesterday, the Nikon D850 has been selling like hotcakes and will likely be out of stock for weeks or months for anyone who didn’t place an early preorder. It’s currently a #1 seller over at B&H.

Image credits: Photographs by Niels de Vries and used with permission

from PetaPixel https://petapixel.com/2017/08/29/first-nikon-d850-sample-photos-shot-iso-25600/

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