Tuesday 25 April 2017

5 Homebrew Camera Hacks in 1 Minute

Got a minute? That’s all you’ll need. Take a break from infinite scrolling through Instagram and listen up, because South African photographer Sheldon Evans can teach you 5 fun homebrew camera hacks in the same amount of time it takes you to read this post.

Videos like this typically rehash a lot of older hacks we’ve seen or shared before, which is why you don’t seem them on PetaPixel as much anymore, but a few of Evans hacks actually caught us by surprise. Check out the video above to see how to:

  1. Turn a plastic bag into a ‘softbox’
  2. Use a towel as a video slider
  3. Create fake bokeh using your computer or a TV screen
  4. Use a blank CD case to create stylistic lens flares
  5. Use a match to simulate a ‘film burn’ effect

None of these are going to turn you into the next Annie Leibovitz, but they will give you a few ideas to play around with during your next photo session. So get creative, give all 5 of these a shot this week, and then let us know your favorite.

And if you like this video, check out Sheldon’s YouTube channel for more.

from PetaPixel https://petapixel.com/2017/04/25/5-homebrew-camera-hacks-1-minute/

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