Tuesday 15 November 2016

Quick Tip: How to Quickly and Easily Remove Sensor Dust in Lightroom

Sensor dust is a pain, but it’s also easy to take care of in most images. This quick tutorial from our friends at Sleeklens covers what is probably the most-used method for clearing sensor dust spots in Adobe Lightroom.

First off, let’s begin by saying that, yes, this is a very basic tip. If you’re a more advanced or even an intermediate user you can probably skip it. However, if you’re a beginner, it’s something you will use often.

Best practice is to try and keep your sensor clean by being careful when swapping lenses, using a blower, and sending it in at regular intervals to get professionally cleaned. If you’re really brave, you can wet clean it yourself. But assuming you’re past that point and staring at a dusty photo on your computer, Lightroom’s “Spot Healing” tool mixed with the “Visualize Spots” option is probably the quickest and easiest way to take care of every dust spot in your image.



Just enter the Spot Healing tool on the top right of the Develop module, under the Histogram, and then click the “Visualize Spots” checkbox at the bottom of the screen below your image. That option will help make spots that are difficult to see with the naked eye very obvious, so you can take care of them quickly.

Of course, removing spots in a clear sky is probably the easiest example out there, but it’s also where spots will be most visible in your image.

So if you didn’t know about the Visualize Spots feature in Lightroom, check out the video at the top and learn a little something useful this Tuesday. And then check out some of Sleeklens’ other tutorials here.

(via ISO 1200)

from PetaPixel http://petapixel.com/2016/11/15/quick-tip-quickly-easily-remove-sensor-dust-lightroom/

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