Wednesday 2 November 2016

Macro Video Shows How Strange Everyday Objects Look Up Close

The Macro Room YouTube channel is quickly becoming a PetaPixel favorite. It started with dissolving pills, moved on to burning steel wool, and now the channel is revealing the odd textures and patterns of everyday objects when you look at them up close.

The creative video features 17 different objects, captured first in macro and then quickly zoomed out so you can see what you were actually looking at. The results are fascinating, and often leave you guessing right up until the frame is zoomed out and you realize what you’ve been staring at this whole time.

Here are a few of our favorites in GIF form:

The man behind the macro, 27-year-old Ben Ouaniche, says ‘several lenses and complex editing’ was used to generate that continuous zoom out. He also sent us a few behind the scenes snaps so you can see his setup in action:





Check out the full video up top for a mind-bending mid week treat, and then head over to the Macro Room YouTube channel to see even more close up videos like this one.

(via DigitalRev)

Image credits: All photos and GIFs by Ben Ouaniche/Macro Room and used with permission.

from PetaPixel

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